
Sample application to demonstrate BiometricPrompt API

Primary LanguageKotlin

This project is used to demonstrate use of BiometricPrompt API for authentication in Android P and above devices.
For devices below Android version 28 (i.e. Android P) we need to wait for upgrade in support library from Google,
as they might add BiometricPrompt API in support library for above mentioned devices.

Code snippets:

1.Change minSdkVersion, targetSdkVersion and compileSdkVersion to 28.
2.Add permission "android.permission.USE_BIOMETRIC" in manifest file.
3.Use "BiometricPrompt.Builder" class object to display biometric authentication dialog
4.Use "authenticate" method of BiometricPrompt class to authenticate the user with either Fingerprint, Iris scan OR Face recognition and listen to its
  results using "BiometricPrompt.AuthenticationCallback".