
Alters Human-Tier Progression and unlocks

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Alters Human-Tier Progression and unlocks

This is a progression overhaul focusing on human space, designed to vary human-tier outfits a bit more while also giving incentives to side with each human faction.


The South now has its own anti-missile turrets and sells all civilian shield generators (including two extra large shield generators for their carriers). The Plasma turret and repeater are now available from the start of the game, however the repeater is locked behind the Militia license. Some free worlds unlocks have been adjusted accordingly.

The plasma repeater has been buffed slightly to make it a more alluring feature of siding with the militia.

The Syndicate now sells enhanced engines, better batteries, regenerators, a larger reactor, an upgraded proton turret and the ionic afterburner, most of which are locked behind a purchaseable license.

The Navy now has its own shield generators and active cooling outfits, both of which are substantially better than their competitors' offerings. Naturally, their outfits are locked behind their own license.

Many southern ships now use the new anti-missiles, and both Syndicate heavy warships use regenerators, their new engines, and their new batteries. Navy ships have been similarly reoutfitted to use their improved technology.