
Expands outfit variety across all castes of vanilla Endless Sky.

GNU Affero General Public License v3.0AGPL-3.0

Zoura's Outfits Expanded

This plugin aims to greatly expand outfit variety across all of Endless Sky; at the moment, every subfaction (except for the Quarg, Pug, and Drak) has received at least one outfit, though most have received more than that. Also of note is that care has been made to ensure that outfits are all accessible by at least one means through normal, otherwise-vanilla gameplay (for example, Korath and Gegno outfits can be obtained by looting/capping, Human and Hai outfits via outfitters, et cetera). The mod also features support for Darcy Manoel's Omnis as well, for those who'd like to cheat- I mean, play around with the outfits in an easily accessible environment.

The primary goal of this plugin is to increase the variety in vanilla's weapon and outfit selection while preserving a "vanilla-ish" level of balance, allowing players to mix plugin and vanilla content to where all-vanilla builds are still viable, but plugin outfits offer unique advantages for certain build types or simply new ways to interact with ship statistics (for example, there are several outfits that allow you to augment the strength of your shields and hull, but with noticeable downsides).

The above said, if something seems a bit too over/underpowered, please don't hesitate to give me a shout, either here on the github (through an issue or a PR of your own) or on discord @zoura3025 (I can also be found on the Endless Sky discord). This plugin is also accepting community contributions! If you have an outfit you'd like to see implemented in this plugin's (lack of) style, please don't be afraid to drop an issue or PR.