
7 Days to Die Modlet: Greatly reduce the depth to bedrock

MIT LicenseMIT

Shallow Ground

This modlet greatly reduces the depth to bedrock, which encourages stable building (reducing possibility of base-drop) and discourages the hiding of underground buildings.


  1. biome depths are all adjusted for a more shallow, trench-warfare experience
    • drastically reduces time necessary to set up a stable base (bedrock is just 2M down)
    • to help address how often players will encounter bedrock as a result, we swapped the trader/lcb/bedrock "gong" sound with something more subtle
    • we have also boosted terrain resource yield to roughly 4x
  2. mineral veins are replaced with just boulders
    • to offset the reduction of resources, we've boosted boulder resource yield to roughly 4x
  3. removed burried supply and treasure quests to avoid cutting any deeper into the ground

Biome Adjustments

Block Before After
terrDesertGround 4 1
terrSand 4 1
terrDestroyedStone 2 1
terrDirt 3 0
terrStone * 1
terrSandStone * 1
terrBedrock 3 *

Mineral Vein Adjustments

Original Replacement
deco_iron_vein oreIronBoulder
deco_coal_vein oreCoalBoulder
deco_nitrate_vein orePotassiumNitrateBoulder
deco_lead_vein oreLeadBoulder
deco_shale_vein oreShaleBoulder

Quest Adjustments

Type Removed
Clear unmodified
Fetch unmodified
Clear & Fetch unmodified
Burried Supplies removed
Challenge unmodified
Treasure removed