
An analytic understanding of diversity and inclusion in a fictitious organization


An analytic understanding of diversity and inclusion in a(n) [fictitious] organization


  • More than 1 in 3 black employees intend to leave their current jobs because of prejudice and micro-aggressions
  • Only 44% of black women feel comfortable speaking up at work
  • 67% of tech companies are made up of less than 5% of black employees

Washingtion Post

How diversified is your organization workforce? How inclusive is your organization when important decisions are to be made ?

Diversity, Inclusion, The watch word of the 21st century. Organizations are talking about it, employers are trying to adhere to it, employees are concerned about it. It could as well be termed the buzz word for all organizations.

Diversity is defined as the practice or quality of including or involving people from a range of different social and ethnic backgrounds and of different genders, sexual orientations, etc. (Oxford language)

It is an understanding that each individual is unique, and the recognition of individual differences. These could be via race, gender, religion, etc.

Inclusion is the action or state of including or of being included within a group or structure. (Oxford language)

The aim of inclusion is to embrace all people irrespective of race, gender, disability,etc. It is about giving equal access and opportunities and getting rid of discrimination and intolerance. Source

Problem Statement

Client Brief

Client name: Pharma Group
Client industry: Service
Year established: 2011
Location of HQ: Switzerland
Number of employees: 500

Client Background

Over the past years, Pharma Group has reached over 500 employees. Their growth rate have been quicker than anticipated and now they need the help of an advisory firm to oversee their growth process effectively.

Due to their rapid growth, they have being able to hire employees from different parts of the world into their organization workforce. They seem to be a diversified organization, mere looking at their hiring process and staff. But they are now concerned about inclusion of these employees in the workplace.

Are there certain positions that are left exclusively for a certain gender?
What is the proportion of hire between male ad female ?

These are some of their concerns towards their growth process they are looking to find answers to, hence the need of an analytics advisory firm to use data to help them in making data-driven decisions towards their workforce.

Some key reasons why they are now looking at bringing in external expertise:

  1. They are looking to complete an IPO by the end of next year and need guidance to ensure that this goes smoothly.

  2. They are still a small company and do not have the internal resources to run such analytics task

  3. They want to learn how to use data to make effective decisions that drives an organization forward.

Objective Statement

  • What is the trend in the organization hiring process. is it rising or falling ?
  • An understanding of how employees are distributed across departments
  • Which gender is most dominant across seniority levels at all departments
  • Percentage of hire between gender
  • What is the percentage of promotion at each final year
  • Percentage of turnover amongst employees

Work in Progress


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