
Data analysis of maven toys dataset using dbt for data transformation and power bi for visualization

Maven Toys Data Analytics using dbt

This data analysis project gives details on the Sales & Inventory data for a fictitious chain of toy stores in Mexico called Maven Toys.

Using dbt, data was transformed and cleaned in order to make it usable for analysis.

an image showing the steps taken to transform data with dbt

Data model for the database tables

Dashboard created using Power BI:



Steps to run the project

Create a directory from the command line

  mkdir [name-of-directory]
  cd [name-of-directory]

Create virtual environment

  python3 -m venv venv

Activate virtual environment


  source venv/Scripts/activate


  source venv/bin/activate

Install dbt postgres

  pip install dbt-postgres

Clone Repository

  git clone https://github.com/AviatorIfeanyi/maven_toys_dbt_postgres.git
  cd maven_toys_dbt_postgres

Set database requirements using credentials in profiles.example.yml

Run project

  dbt run

Run dbt documentation

 dbt docs generate

 dbt docs serve

DBT Concepts used

- sources

- models

- tests

- docs

- materialization

- profiles

- assets