
A Power BI data analysis report on the sales performance of tesla cars in the year 2016

Tesla Car Sales Dashboard

Data Source: Here


The management of Tesla Inc, a company in the automotive industry, decides to analyze historical data of the sale of its car models in the year 2016 for the first six months.

With the data made available, they are expecting a thorough study of Tesla's historical data for the first six months in 2016.

Project Objective

The objective of this report is to provide valuable insights that will help Tesla's management plan better for future production.

This report highlights the key attributes of the data, including model, period, country, purchase_type, version, price, and gross profit.

Problem Statement:

Tesla's management needs to identify the key factors that influenced the company's performance in the first six months of 2016.

Additionally, they need to know which models, versions, and purchase types were the most profitable and which countries had the highest demand for Tesla vehicles.

This information will enable Tesla's management to make informed decisions on future production, including which models to prioritize and which markets to focus on.

Research Questions

1. Which car model is the most profitable?

2. Which country has the highest demand for vehicles?

3. Which car model is the most demanded in the each country?

4. What is the total demand for the six months of sales?

5. Which mode of payment is the most preferred in each country?

6. Is there a relationship between sales and profit?


The USA was the country with the highest demand

The sales and profits of Tesla cars exhibited fluctuating trends over time.

Model S had a higher demand (65%) compared to Model X 35%.

Buyers had more preference for physical transactions compared to making deposits.

car sales dashboard image


The analysis of Tesla's historical data for the first six months in 2016 provides valuable insights into the company's performance.

The data highlights the most popular models, versions, and purchase types, as well as the countries with the highest demand for Tesla vehicles.

This information will be invaluable to Tesla's management as they plan for future production. By prioritizing the most profitable models and versions and focusing on high-demand markets, Tesla can continue to gain a competitive advantage in the automotive industry.