Welcome to SocialSphere - a unique social media platform designed exclusively for developers! Our platform focuses on content sharing without the distraction of chatting, creating a space for meaningful discussions and knowledge sharing.
- No Chatting Distractions: SocialSphere eliminates chat features, ensuring users can focus solely on creating and sharing valuable content.
- Streamlined Feed: The feed is designed to showcase posts, articles, and updates from developers, creating a rich and immersive content experience.
- MERN Architecture: SocialSphere is built on the powerful MERN stack, providing a seamless and efficient development and user experience.
- MongoDB: Our platform utilizes MongoDB as the backbone database, ensuring robust data storage and retrieval.
- React with Redux: Redux is implemented for state management, delivering a responsive and organized application.
- Bcrypt Password Hashing: User account security is a top priority. SocialSphere employs Bcrypt to hash and protect passwords securely.
- Nodemailer for OTPs: Securely deliver one-time passwords (OTPs) via email, enhancing account verification and user protection.
- Cloudinary Integration: Seamlessly upload photos and videos with Cloudinary integration. All media files are accessible through generated links, providing a smooth user experience.
We welcome contributions from the developer community to enhance SocialSphere. If you're interested in contributing, follow these steps:
- Fork the Repository: Fork the SocialSphere repository to your GitHub account.
- Create a New Branch: Create a new branch for your feature or bug fix.
- Make Changes: Implement your changes with clear and concise commit messages.
- Push Changes: Push your changes to your branch and create a pull request to the main repository.
- Review and Merge: Our team will review your changes, provide feedback, and merge them if they meet the criteria.
Let's build a thriving community of developers on SocialSphere! Happy coding!