Dart Programming

Flutter Programming (Udemy)

Course Structure : Course Structure

Starter Application using Flutter framework Understanding Stateful and Stateless Widget using Count Donut App

MI CARD(Identity Card)

Dicee(APP)→This is a small transitioning dynamic app showing Dice changing Behavior.

Magic 8 ball →It is another example of transitioning over a single tap or one click..

Xylophone App →A musical app showing different sounds in the app.

Quizzler App →A new Flutter App where different types of quiz demonstrated .

BMI Calculator(Body Mass Index(BMI) Calculator Android App).

Clima (RestFul API)→Powering Your Flutter App with Live Web Data i.e. Climate Weather App

BitCoin Ticker App (RestFul API)→This is an app showing Bit coin currency rate update through api

Flash Chat Application(Firebase (Google Cloud) and Database (FireStore))

Todoey App


Completion Certificate



Bundle App Major Project

Simple Video Player