
Learn AWS by Doing: Project Ideas

Primary LanguagePython

Curated AWS Project Ideas for Beginners (Simple & Hands-on)

Learn AWS by Doing: Project Ideas

This list provides a springboard for your AWS journey. As you gain confidence, you can explore more complex projects involving databases, serverless architectures, and machine learning

Static Website on AWS S3 & CloudFront

Static Website on AWS Amplify

  • Learn: Amplify - a framework for building web and mobile apps with AWS.

Simple Blog with AWS Lightsail

  • Learn: Lightsail - a pre-configured virtual server service.
  • Do: Deploy a popular open-source blogging platform like WordPress on a Lightsail instance. Connect a database and customize the blog.

Business Card Organizer with Textract & S3

Youtube to MP3 converter using Lambda and S3 bucket (Serverless) .

URL shortener like Bitly.com

Keeping it Simple:

  • These projects focus on managed services that require minimal coding, allowing you to learn core AWS concepts without getting bogged down in complex configurations.
  • Utilize the free tier offerings of AWS services to keep costs minimal while experimenting.
  • Many of these services have user-friendly consoles and tutorials to guide you through the setup process