
Are you tired of scammers preying on innocent victims? Do you want to fight back and reclaim a sense of justice? Look no further! This Python script, powered by Selenium, is your ultimate weapon against those who try to exploit others.

Primary LanguagePython


Are you tired of scammers preying on innocent victims? Do you want to fight back and reclaim a sense of justice? Look no further! This Python script, powered by Selenium, is your ultimate weapon against those who try to exploit others.

🚀 Key Features:

  • Dynamic Randomization: Our script generates a variety of fake payment details, ensuring a diverse and unpredictable stream of information to confuse scammers.

  • Persistent Looping: Project Hoax-Hammer relentlessly bombards scammer websites, making it harder for them to distinguish real from fake data.

🌟 Why Choose Project Hoax-Hammer?

  • Empowerment: Take a stand against scammers and contribute to making the online world a safer place.

  • Disruption: Disrupt scammer operations by flooding their system with useless data, rendering their ill-intentions futile.

  • Education: Raise awareness about online scams and inspire others to protect themselves.

🛑 Disclaimer:

Project Hoax-Hammer is meant for educational and entertainment purposes only. We do not endorse any illegal activities. Be sure to use this script responsibly and within the bounds of the law.

I have formulated this script in response to an attempted scam directed at me. Fortunately, I identified the fraudulent nature of the scheme. I am providing the link to their counterfeit payment website for your reference.

Payment Scam Website Link (Do Not Enter Your Personal Details!!!)


🤝 Join the Movement:

Let's unite against scammers and create a world where deception has consequences. Clone the repository, run the script, and let justice prevail! Remember, the power to make a change is in your hands.

🚨 Warning: Use this script responsibly, and be aware of the legal implications in your jurisdiction. The developers and contributors are not responsible for any misuse or consequences resulting from the use of Project Hoax-Hammer.