
custom-rtf visualforce component lets you add richtext capability to a text area without losing the ability to rerender the page

Primary LanguageCSS


Deploy to Salesforce

custom-rtf visualforce component lets you add richtext capability to a text area without losing the ability to rerender the page.


  • converts plain textarea into rtf editor.
  • allows rerendering of the page.
  • Toolbar options
  • Full
  • Visualforce
  • HomePageComponent
  • SalesforceBasic
  • EmailMultiFormat
  • Email
  • SalesforceLight
  • Knowledge
  • KnowledgeWithIframes
  • ServiceCommunity


<apex:page standardStylesheets="true" docType="html-5.0" sidebar="false">
   <apex:form >
       <c:customrtf targetclass="mytextarea" toolbar="Full"/>
       <apex:inputTextarea styleClass="mytextarea" richText="false"/>


  • Full Full View
  • Basic Basic View
  • Email Email View
  • Knowledge Knowledge View


  • Move js files to static resource
  • add different layouts that salesforce allows