
Highlight words in vim

Primary LanguageVim script


You should not use this plugin, I've found HighStr, which is a much better alternative, use it :)


This is a very simple plugin to allow you to highlight different words in vim.

I found it somewhere around the web a while ago, copied it to my vim configuration file and changed it a bit. Eventually I decided to upload it as a plugin.




Toggle Highlights

<leader>1 up to <leader>7

Reset Highlights



Use your preferred installation method, I use Plugged:

Plug 'avishayy/hi-words.vim'


This is a reaaaally simple plugin, no configuration is supported by default, you can however do this:

" Custom Highlight
hi def HiInterestingWord8 guifg=#000000 ctermfg=16 guibg=#111111 ctermbg=222
" Custom Mapping
nmap <silent> <leader>8 :call HiInterestingWord(8)<cr>

Note that the highlight definition must be a number prepended by HiInterestingWord and that number needs to be passed to HiInterestingWord() )