- Do you want to measure your body resistance?
- Do you want to see brain waves?
- Which one generates electricity; an Apple or a Lime?
- Do you want to flickr an LED?
- Do you want to find where the main power lines run in your house?
- Who has the highest pitch (Female or Male)?
- How wet surfaces conduct electricity and why you should not touch any wires if the floor is wet?
- What’s the lowest frequency you can hear?
- What’s the highest frequency you can hear?
- Can you make a capacitor at home?
- Do you want to see if you bought a new battery or a used one?
- How much noise does school bell make?
- Measure Voltages
- Measure Resistance
- Measure Capacitance
- Ohms' Law
- Human Body Resistance
- Resistance of Water
- Lemon Cell
- Light Dependant Resistor
- Electromagnetic Induction
- Semiconductor Diode
- AC Generator
- Input Characteristics
- Output Characteristics
- Transfer Characteristics
- FET Transistor as a Switch
- FET Transistor as an Amplifier
- Diode - IV Characteristics
- Zener Diode - IV Characteristics
- Clamping
- Clipping
- Voltage Regulation using Diodes
- Inverting OpAmp
- Non-Inverting OpAmp
- Precision Rectifier
- OpAmp Derivatives
- Adder
- Subtractor
- Differentiator
- Integrator
- Astable Multivibrator
- Monostable Multivibrator
- Wien Bridge Oscillator
- Colpitts Oscillator
- Phase Shift Oscillator
- Filter Characteristics
- Low Pass Filter
- High Pass Filter
- Band Pass Filter
- Band Stop Filter
- Ohms' Law
- Capacitive Reactance
- Inductive Reactance
- RC Phase Shift
- LR Phase Shift
- RLC Steady State
- Transient RLC Response
- Simple Pendulum
- Pendulum Time Periods
- Calculating
, the gravitational acceleration - Piezo Bandwidth
- Speed of Sound
- Random Sampling
- Amplitude Modulation
- Frequency Modulation
- Control Servo Motors
- Control Stepper Motors
- HCSR04 Sonar Sensor
- MPU6050 IMU Sensor
- DSM501 Dust Sensor
- DHT11 Humidity Sensor
- Soil Moisture Sensor
- TCS3200 Color Sensor
- DFR0076 Flame Sensor
- DS18B20 Temperature Sensor
- MQ3 Alcohol Gas Sensor
- MQ2 Methane Gas Sensor