

Team Members

  • Karthikan Jeyabalan (40032932)

    • A*
    • Developed Puzzle and State logic
    • Developed Manhattan Heuristic (H2)
    • Scale up analysis
  • Nirusan Nadarajah (29600094)

    • GBFS
    • Developed Hamming Distance Heuristic (H1)
    • Implementation of Analysis (Average and Total)
  • Avkash Sharma (40012077)

    • Uniform Cost Search
    • Developed Heuristic H0
    • Solution and Search files generation

Installing Python

Steps to run assignment

  • Clone/Download the repo to the host machine
  • Open terminal and cd into to project directory (X-Puzzle)
  • Run the main.py by executing: python main.py
  • Follow the prompt to make your selections or enter q to quit