template.Contracts 1.0.0


To build the contracts and the unit tests:

  • First, ensure that your eosio is compiled to the core symbol for the EOSIO blockchain that intend to deploy to.
  • Second, make sure that you have sudo make installed eosio.

After build:

  • The unit tests executable is placed in the build/tests and is named unit_test.
  • The contracts are built into a bin/<contract name> folder in their respective directories.
  • Finally, simply use cleos to set contract by pointing to the previously mentioned directory.

Build & Run tests:

./build.sh -y && ./build/tests/unit_test

From docker:

docker run -t -i -v $(CWD):/dapp kesar/eos-dev:207-170 -c "cd /dapp && /bin/bash /dapp/build.sh -y -e /root/eosio/2.0 && /dapp/build/tests/unit_test"

From makefile (docker needs to be running):

make build-test