This project is just to make, making tools for PrUn easier using FIOs rest API.
There are 2 layers of abstraction over the FIO API and finally a helper class for PrUn.
FIO Rest API -> FIOApi
class -> FIO
class -> PrUnStuff
Use the following to see when data is being retrieved from FIO, as retrieving this data can hang the application for a while depending on how much isn't cached yet.
import logging
logging.getLogger("peewee").disabled = True
logging.getLogger("urllib3.connectionpool").disabled = True
You must have used FIO for PrUn and have an account, this is done by simply using the browser extension and reloading the PrUn webpage.
Once you've got an FIO account, go to Settings
-> Create API Key
to create the key.
Note: This API (as of editing this readme) does not support writing anything to FIO, as it's unnecessary, so the API Key does not need write access.
This class reads from the FIO rest api and caches the results.
The cache can be found in the same directory as
Most methods in that class has .clearCache()
method that, though this method will not show on autocomplete.
All methods from this class returns the json data from the API.
from PrUnStuff import FIOApi
The FIO class is the 2nd layer abstraction, it provides a cleaner interface for using the data from FIO.
from PrUnStuff import FIO
matEx = fio.getExchange("IC1").getMaterialExchange("BSE")
print( / matEx.demand)
This final class contains pre-made methods for some stuff you might want to do for PrUn.
For example, PrUnStuff class has producibleWithStorageContents()
which gets the amount of some resource you can produce with the contents of a storage.
from typing import Union
from PrUnStuff import PrUnStuff
from PrUnStuff.FIO import *
def printProduction(prUnStuff: PrUnStuff, planet: Planet, material: Material, recipes: list[Recipe], buildingUseLimits: Union[None, bool, dict[Building, int]] = True):
siteBuildingUseLimits = prUnStuff.getBuildingUseLimitsForRecipesAtSite(planet, recipes)
if buildingUseLimits is True:
buildingUseLimits = siteBuildingUseLimits
resources, recipesUsed, buildingsUsed = prUnStuff.producibleWithStorageContents(
planet, material,
consumed, produced = prUnStuff.getConsumedProducedFromRecipesUsed(recipesUsed)
# TODO: Fix this
# prodTime = prUnStuff.getProductionTime(planet, recipes, recipesUsed)
print("-- Buildings utilisation --")
buildingUsage = prUnStuff.getBuildingUsage(siteBuildingUseLimits, buildingsUsed)
for building, amount in buildingsUsed.items():
print(f"{building.ticker} {buildingUsage[building]*100:.1f}%")
print("-- Final resources --")
for material, amount in resources.items():
print(f"{material.ticker} x{amount:,}")
print("-- Consumed resources --")
for material, count in consumed.items():
print(f"{material.ticker} x{count:,}")
print("-- Recipes used --")
for recipe, used in recipesUsed.items():
print(f"{recipe.recipeName}\tused {used} times")
print("-- Produced resources --")
for material, count in produced.items():
print(f"{material.ticker} x{count:,}")
prUnStuff = PrUnStuff("YOUR_FIO_API_KEY")
fio = prUnStuff.fio
planet = fio.getPlanet("VH-331a")
finalMaterial = fio.getMaterial("C")
frm = fio.getBuilding("FRM")
inc = fio.getBuilding("INC")
involvedRecipes = [["4xHCP 2xGRN 2xMAI = 4xC"],["2xH2O = 4xHCP"],["1xH2O = 4xGRN"],["4xH2O = 12xMAI"],
printProduction(prUnStuff, planet, finalMaterial, involvedRecipes)