Made for personal use to build Yodune projects
Only supports windows, linux support has a small chance of being supported
local build = require "YodBuild"
build {
-- Mandatory: Path to the folder where the includes, `.lib`, `.dll` and `.exe` reside
luaDir="C:\\Program Files\\Lua\\LuaJit",
-- Mandatory: Name of the library file Note: use `lua51.lib` for LuaJIT and NOT `LuaJIT.lib`
-- The directory that the build will be outputted to
-- IGNOREABLE: The file name of the `.c` file
-- The name of the resulting `.exe` file
-- The paths to search for include files, defaults are `{opts.luaDir, opts.luaDir .. "\\include"}`
luaIncludes={"C:\\Program Files\\Lua\\LuaJit", "C:\\Program Files\\Lua\\LuaJit\\include"},
-- The folder to find the `.lib` file in, default is `opts.luaDir`
luaLibPath="C:\\Program Files\\Lua\\LuaJit",
-- Files to copy from the working directory to the build directory, ethier `["<OUT>"]="<SRC>"` or array item of `"<SRC/OUT>"`
"help.txt", -- from `help.txt` to `build/help.txt` for example
["mods.json"]="default-mods.json", -- from `default-mods.json` to `build/mods.json` for example
-- Mandatory: The file of which will be turned into a executable, the entry point...
-- Merge dependencies with the executable, so no extra lua files
-- Preserve line numbers ect
-- Only Available when `mergeDeps=true`, assigned `package.path` in the merge file automatically (recommended not to use, do this manually)
-- Only Available when `mergeDeps=true`, assigned `package.path` in the merge file automatically (recommended not to use, do this manually)
-- Path to search for lua files during the dependency analysis process
searchPath="?.lua;?/init.lua;libs/?.lua;libs/?/init.lua;" .. package.path,
-- Path to search for binary files during the dependency analysis process
searchCPath="libs/l?.dll;libs/?.dll;" .. package.cpath