Mandatory Exercise 1 - JavaScript

The deadline for this exercise is Friday November 16 08:59


  1. Create a new repository on Github called mandatory-js-1

  2. Follow the instructions that Github gives you; create a local repository and add a remote or clone the recently created repository.


When you do the submission of your exercise in Ping Pong, before the deadline, you will enter the link to your repository, such as:

The teacher will look in the master branch. If any commits are done to the master branch after the deadline, the grade IG will follow.

You will either get G or IG on the mandatory exercises.



A junior developer tried to implement a HTML structure based on the design given to him. Since he had not taken the EC course in HTML/CSS, he didn't really know what he was doing. Therefore he really messed the file up. By some weird reason, he succefully managed to push the HTML code live and only he has permissions to change it. He's currently on vacation in The Bahamas, but the project manager wants this problem fixed ASAP. All we can do is modify the JS file that is included in the HTML. It's your job to fix this and make upper managment happy!


Look at the file index.html and compare it to want.html. Your job is to implement code in index.js to transform the DOM structure in index.html so it looks exactly like want.html It's up to you how to want to complete the task.

More details

I'll list all the details that are wrong here and that should be fixed.

  • The developer thought the company is named Fruits & Bananas Corp, but it's actually called Fruits & Vegetables Corp
  • Text content in header h1 is wrong, should be Fruits & Vegetables Corp (see first issue)
  • The last a tag in header ul has wrong text content and href attribute (should be Vegetables and not Bananas)
  • The section #contact and #about are in the wrong order. Swap them
  • Each section should have a h2 tag at the top with corresponding text according to its id
  • The text "We're the best in fruits & vegetables" under #about should be wrapped in a p tag
  • The developer used td elements in thead instead of th. Fix it.
  • The developer forgot to include the main.css file. Add it to head
  • Head title is wrong MDN info. Should be "Fruits & Vegetables Corp"


The junior developer didn't implement any styling. You may apply custom styling as you want, you can even do it directly in JavaScript if you like! If you want to write CSS, you can do so in main.css (after you've implemented it according to the fixes)