
This project aimed to develop a straightforward Go microservice, emphasizing the onion and clean architectural patterns, complemented with logging, debugging, and monitoring features.

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT

Golang Service Start to Production


Create a robust Golang service, deploy it using Docker and Kubernetes, and enhance it with logging, configuration metrics, (continue ............)

Table of Contents

Things Covered

  • Documentation using open api docs
  • Packaged using Kubernetes
  • Dockerized
  • Middleware with JWT authentication
  • Logging with Zap logger
  • Microservice architecture
  • Onion Layering
  • sqlx used as Database ORM with PostgreSQL
  • Unit testing
  • Integration testing
  • Opentelemetry with Prometheus, grafana, Loki, etc
  • github workflow


Getting Started


  • Docker
  • Go (Golang)
  • Kubernetes (optional for deploying to a local cluster)


Instructions on how to clone the repository and install the necessary dependencies.

$ git clone https://github.com/avyukth/service-s2p.git
$ cd project
$ go mod tidy
$ go mod vendor


Running the Application

To run the application locally, execute the following command:

$ go run main.go

Kubernetes Cluster

If you want to deploy the service to a Kubernetes cluster, follow the steps below.

Setting up a Local Kubernetes Cluster

Create a local Kubernetes cluster using Kind:

$ make kind-up

Deploying the Service to Kubernetes

Build and deploy the Docker image to the Kubernetes cluster:

$ make kind-update-apply


List and explain the different make commands available for managing the project.

  • make run: Run the application locally using Go.
  • make kind-up: Create a local Kubernetes cluster using Kind.
  • make kind-down: Delete the local Kubernetes cluster.
  • make kind-load: Load the Docker image into the Kind cluster.
  • make kind-status: Get status information about the Kind cluster and its resources.
  • make kind-apply: Apply Kubernetes manifests to the Kind cluster.
  • make kind-status-service: Get status information about the deployed service pods.
  • make kind-logs: Tail the logs for the service pods.
  • make kind-restart: Restart the service pods in the Kind cluster.
  • make kind-update: Build the Docker image, load it into the Kind cluster, and restart the service pods.
  • make kind-describe: Get detailed information about the deployed service pods.
  • make kind-update-apply: Build the Docker image, load it into the Kind cluster, and apply Kubernetes manifests.

Module Vendor Support

This section is dedicated to the support for Go modules vendor directory.

  • make tidy: Perform go mod tidy and go mod vendor to clean up the Go module and vendor dependencies.
NB : Inspired by ardanlabs/service