
Frontend Engineer Takehome Project built with ReactJS & Serverless Functions

Primary LanguageJavaScript

React Frontend Engineer Takehome Project

Live Demo


Fetch the most recent tweets about a specified stock ticker using the StockTwits API

Tech Stack

  • CRA
  • Material UI
  • Express
  • Serverless with Netlify Functions


  • Allow the user to input a US stock symbol or several symbols (eg: AAPL, BABA, BAC, etc…)
  • Pull tweets from StockTwits that mention this symbol (stock symbols usually have a $ before them, like: $AAPL, $BABA, etc…)
  • Display the latest matching tweets. How you display them is up to you.
  • When a new tweet comes in, it should automatically be added without having to refresh the page.
  • The user should be able to later add/remove symbols as well. If a user deletes a symbol, the matching tweets should also disappear.
  • The page has to be responsive.
  • The number of tweets for a given symbol needs to be represented.
  • Pay attention to details and make the user-interface and user-experience the best you possibly can, considering time constraints.
  • Treat it like a real project, so things like code structure, readability, reusability… should be taken into consideration.