
Manga provides a simpler way for working with MongoDB.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Manga, a sweet MongoDB abstraction layer

Manga provides a simpler way for working with a MongoDB database. It is provided in a single python source file with no dependencies other than the Python Standard Library and Pymongo.

License: MIT (see LICENSE)

Installation and Dependencies

Install manga with pip install manga or just download manga.py and place it in your project directory. Manga onle depends on Pymongo.


from manga import setup, Model, StringField, EmailField


class User(Model):
    name = StringField(length=(2, 10))
    email = EmailField()

bob = User({'name': 'Bob', 'email': 'bobby@tables.com'})


This is a step-by-step guide demostrating how to work with Manga. At this time Manga can only handle one database at a time, and before doing anything, we should tell Manga with database is that:

>>> from manga import setup
>>> setup('tutorial')
Database(MongoClient('localhost', 27017), 'tutorial')

Now, to define a collection of data, declare a class that inherits from Model:

>>> from manga import Model
>>> class FirstModel(Model):
...     pass
>>> obj = FirstModel()

Model objects have a default "_id" field, that is automatically populated once the object is saved. You can also specify a custom _id if you want:

>>> obj.save()
>>> obj._id
>>> obj2 = FirstModel()
>>> obj2._id = 'my custom id'
>>> obj2.save()
>>> obj2._id
'my custom id'

Models have pymongo's find and find_one methods. The objects returned will be validated (to see if they match the Model's schema) and then will be returned as Model objects:

>>> FirstModel.find_one()
<__main__.FirstModel object at 0x104ea7450>
>>> [x._id for x in FirstModel.find()]
[ObjectId('51acbe4bd2eee6cc857768e6'), 'my custom id']

Of course you will want to create Models storing more than an _id field. In Manga that is done by defining attributes to the Model with are instances of Field. Fields can take a blank parameter, with defaults to False (by default a field value can't be blank). A default parameter can also be specified:

>>> from manga import Field
>>> class Person(Model):
...     name = Field()
...     motto = Field(default="Be happy.")
...     notes = Field(blank=True)

Now Manga will make sure your data is valid before writing it to persistance. You also won't be able to assign invalid values to any of the fields:

>>> p1 = Person()
>>> p1.save()
Traceback (most recent call last):
manga.ValidationError: Person: trying to set name <- None
>>> p1.name = ''
manga.ValidationError: Person: trying to set name <-

Now, let's create some persons. Note the alternative way for defining field values when instantiating the Model class. Also, see how internal object's data can be seen with the "_data" attribute:

>>> joe = Person()
>>> joe.name = "John Snow"
>>> joe.save()
>>> joe.name
'John Snow'
>>> joe._id
>>> joe.motto
'Be happy.'
>>> joe.notes
>>> tesla = Person({'name': 'Nikola Tesla', 'motto': 'Free energy'})
>>> tesla.save()
>>> tesla._data
{'name': 'Nikola Tesla', 'motto': 'Free energy',
'_id': ObjectId('51acd2c6d2eee6d07e073795'), 'notes': None}
>>> edison = Person({'name': 'Thomas Edison', 'motto': 'DC power'})
>>> edison.notes = ["Didn't like Tesla"]
>>> edison.save()
>>> edison._data
{'name': 'Thomas Edison', 'motto': 'DC power',
'_id': ObjectId('51acd442d2eee6d07e073796'),
'notes': ["Didn't like Tesla"]}

You can create Model classes that inherit from other Model classes:

>>> class SuperHero(Person):
...     superpowers = Field()
>>> superman = SuperHero({'name': 'Clark Kent',
...                       'superpowers': ['strength', 'speed', 'flight']})
>>> superman.save()
>>> superman._data
{'superpowers': ['strength', 'speed', 'flight'], 'name': 'Clark Kent',
'motto': 'Be happy.', '_id': ObjectId('51acd555d2eee6d07e073797'),
'notes': None}

With Manga, you can extend Fields to validate and represent any type of data, here is an example with Complex Numbers:

>>> class ComplexNumber(object):
...     def __init__(self, real, imaginary):
...         self.real = real; self.imaginary = imaginary
>>> class ComplexNumberField(Field):
...     @staticmethod
...     def to_storage(value):
...             return [value.real, value.imaginary] if value else None
...     @staticmethod
...     def to_python(value):
...         return ComplexNumber(value[0], value[1]) if value else None
>>> class TheNumbers(Model):
...     number1 = ComplexNumberField()
...     number2 = ComplexNumberField(blank=True)
>>> x = TheNumbers({'number1': ComplexNumber(1.234, 4.321)})
>>> x.save()
>>> x.number1.real
>>> x._data
{'number2': None, 'number1': [1.234, 4.321], '_id': ObjectId('51acd940d2eee6d07e073798')}

One more field example, this time showing how to perform validation:

>>> class PositiveIntegerField(Field):
...     def validate(self, value):
...         assert int(value) and value >= 0
>>> class Numbers2(Model):
...     n1 = PositiveIntegerField()
>>> x = Numbers2()
>>> x.n1 = -10
Traceback (most recent call last):
manga.ValidationError: Numbers2: trying to set n1 <- -10
>>> x.n1 = 10

Manga ships with some basic Fields, such as the StringField, DateTimeField, DictField, ListField, EmailField, and in the future many more. Check out the source to avoid to define vanilla fields in your code. If you define any interesting, generic and reusable Field, send me a pull request.

Now, the most interesting Field out there is the DocumentField. It lets you embbed Documents (defined with fields just like Models) within other Models. Here is a short example:

>>> from manga import Document, DocumentField, StringField
>>> class Rectangle(Document):
...     v1 = PositiveIntegerField()
...     v2 = PositiveIntegerField()
>>> class SimpleDrawing(Model):
...    title = StringField(length=(2,10))
...    rect = DocumentField(document=Rectangle)
>>> rect = Rectangle({'v1': 10, 'v2': 5})
>>> x = SimpleDrawing({'title': 'art', 'rect': rect})
>>> x.save()
>>> x.rect
<__main__.Rectangle object at 0x10e8f3ad0>
>>> x.rect.v1