- 0
AVMultiCamPiP: Capturing from Multiple Cameras
#253 opened by RK905 - 0
Black and White Image
#252 opened by Khushbu307 - 0
Add a way to mute the shutter sound from the camera
#251 opened by JHeisecke - 6
- 2
when app goes to background , capture session is getting nil and stop recording is not working
#222 opened by usman-whizpool - 1
How we can pause video Recording
#243 opened by muhammadahmad665 - 5
The sound in the video is very quiet
#231 opened by Adakhan - 3
I have one issue when we are using camera (video call in other any app ex:Skype,Whatssup video call) so and when I want to use the SwiftyCam it should say like Camera is not available or it should not give permission to access camera for SwiftCam how to identify this issue
#211 opened by ShaikBaji1506 - 1
Camera black while on call
#244 opened by ashish5016 - 0
- 1
Set zoom level programatically
#249 opened by estebanjb1989 - 1
Return UiImage to pass it to new ViewController.
#248 opened by Emze100 - 3
Is this repo M1 compatible?
#247 opened by Samigos - 1
Movie File Finishing Error
#232 opened by gwenfriedman - 0
How yo get into my girls Snapchat
#245 opened by Lzepeda20 - 1
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i am storing the video url to realm by converting it to data. But when i try to fetch it and play the video is not getting played.
#229 opened by Vaishalishunagund - 1
#242 opened by vd1516 - 7
Swift 5
#209 opened by sebastienboulogne - 1
unable to import switch package
#228 opened by ajRiverav - 0
Camera looks "zoomed in" compared to other full screen apps when using videoGravity: .resizeAspectFill
#241 opened by lifecloudsocial - 0
iPhone X , .h264, HEVC issue Video Converter
#208 opened by ShaikBaji1506 - 0
Session get failed if call is on.
#238 opened by manisha-PBH - 0
crash on method switchCamera()
#237 opened by EugenKuzn - 2
- 1
videoCodecType selection doesn't stick after switching the camera with switchCamera
#235 opened by steveellis - 1
Adding new gesture recognizer to view
#233 opened by mburdzy - 0
Switch Camera while recording video
#234 opened by Guala99 - 6
camera switch is not working after clicked video. Unresponsive Blue screen
#221 opened by hiteshborse12 - 0
How to save a video in camera roll?
#230 opened by Adakhan - 0
Unable to Zoom In/Out for rear and front camera
#226 opened by ShaikBaji1506 - 0
Flash Mode not working for rear camera
#225 opened by ShaikBaji1506 - 0
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Status Bar Error
#218 opened by AmanGupta-Cs - 1
- 0
1920*1080 for this Quality the front Camera is not working. may I know the reason and the Quality size resolution for the Low, High, Medium
#205 opened by ShaikBaji1506 - 0
Crashing when open camera
#217 opened by Vamshi-krishna1194 - 0
- 0
Does not support when app minimises and the Resume could not support recording
#215 opened by KiranDhokale8118 - 1
Hello I found one issue from iPhone X I have uploaded the video using the Swifty Cam but the server guy received the video but the problem is the video is not playing only in iPhone X what is the issue please help me
#207 opened by ShaikBaji1506 - 3
Video orientation issue
#204 opened by dheerajkmani - 1
- 0
- 1
Cannot compile with carthage
#195 opened by mtrezza - 1
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swift 4.2.1 support
#193 opened by hedypamungkas - 1
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SwiftyCam is compatible with HVec codec ?
#191 opened by ljs19923 - 0
iPhone X Support issue
#197 opened by Smiller193 - 1
master branch doesn't build
#198 opened by aried3r