
This is a website created to meet the tests given by Chicode Development. This website is used to calculate the total cases of the Covid 19 virus outbreak, such as the number of cases of death, cases of recovery, and confirmed cases.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Project Description 🍞

This is a website created to meet the tests given by Chicode Development. This website is used to calculate the total cases of the Covid 19 virus outbreak, such as the number of cases of death, cases of recovery, and confirmed cases.

Project Link 🔗

You can see the results of this project by opening the following link https://interview-chicode-test-covid-tracker.vercel.app/

Tools 🛠️

The applications used in this project are as follows :

  • Visual Studio Code
  • Postman

Language 💻

The language used in this project is as follows :

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Javascript

Framework and API 📐

The framework and API used in this project is as follows :