Lightweight, bytecode-serialized interpreted language. Supporting loops, if/else statements, functions and more.
I'll of course write an explanation on the C++ side when it isn't 4am.
- Auroria is a scripting language and can work without needing a main function. The following code is all that is necessary.
print("Hello World!")
- Variables do not have types and are defined by just typing the following
foo = 5
- There is like 3 cfunctions, mostly for testing for when I write a lot more later.
print("Hello World!")
parsebool(0) -> returns "false"
- Writing functions is simple and can be done by adding () or inputting arguments (x,y)
printsomething() {
- With arguments:
sum(x, y){
return(x + y)
- If Else statements are simple and done like this
if(1 > 2)
- Supported bitwise operators are: > | < | >= | <= | != | == | !
- If strings are inputted in greater/less than, their lengths will be compared.
- Loops take 2 args (int/string, var) and look like this.
i = 0
for(10, "i") {
- And with string iteration, this would print H, e, l, l, o, respectively.
i = 0
for("Hello", "i") {
- Chris