
Making another Django app with Django, HTML, CSS

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


I'll be making a blog website to get used to the flow in Django


  • Home page
  • Blog page
  • Add attributes to the blog
  • Add edit blog functionality
  • Add CRUD (Create Read Update Delete) operations

What I learned:

  • 'many-to-one' relationship in Django is represented by ForeignKey

    • Blog can be accessed through Blog Entry, it's foreign key
    • ex: if BlogEntry has a foreign key of Blog, then blog.blogentry_set.all() is a query of all the blogs entries in blog
  • How to debug a page not loading properly:

    • check if the current page has an id
      • make sure it is mapped correctly in urls.py
  • access the child's parent class to modify an attribute BEFORE saving it to the database

  • ERROR FIXED: when using django-heroku, do:

    • import django_heroku
    • django_heroku.settings(locals())
  • you DONT need a template for view + url if you delete something

    • question: this could work for button functions?

Features I want to add in the future:

  • Implementing web sockets
  • CI/CD during production