Fume Server

Note to Future Self: I kinda tried to make this as good as possible coding syntactically :)


Fume Server for hosting numerous of functions. Currently it's only service it runs is GroupByCity.


I thought I would write up how to navigate and use this in the future so I wouldn't rewrite this again:

Group By City

  1. Gets cache files. By here, shared instance of FileHelper should be called and the
  2. Gets Purple Air sensors and filters out unnecessary items like indoor items (NEED TO ADD: sensors not geocoded yet or changed/deleted/added)
  3. for every sensor:
    • Write every 10th iteration using FileHelper abstraction
    • get boundary dictionary values and check if current sensor is in boundary
      • if it is: add it
    • else: // unknown boundary!
      • Reverse GeoCode Sensor to get administrative placeid
      • Get Boundary using placeid
      • Add to dictionaries
  4. When finished, returns the task state

File Helper

Abstraction for FileManager with the focus of improving and generically but easily writing/reading/deleting pre-define files. Everything should be self-explanatory in there since I took the time to write some comments :)