
Awful Thread Tags for the Something Awful Forums


Awful Thread Tags

A set of square, retina thread tags for the Something Awful Forums. Created mostly by Diabolik900 and The Dave for Awful.app.


These tags are 90px square PNG images. They'll be displayed 45 points wide and tall on iOS devices.

Name them the same as the tag's filename on the Forums, but with .png at the end. For example, the Apple tag is called shsc-apple.gif, so the [new one][shsc-apple.png] is called shsc-apple.png. Capitalization matters.

Run your PNG through ImageOptim before adding it to the repository. Everyone running Awful.app will soon be downloading your new tag, so save everyone a bit of bandwidth.

After adding a new thread tag, or updating an old one, be sure to update repositories that have these thread tags as a submodule.

Annotation Tags

This set also includes some annotation tags that are laid over other tags. These are for secondary tags: "Ask", "Tell", "Auction", "Buying", "Selling", and "Trading". They are 45px square PNG images that will be displayed 22.5 points wide and tall on iOS devices. In Awful.app they are displayed in the top left corner. The same naming rules apply as for full-size thread tags.


Please see the included LICENSE.txt for the conditions you can follow to use these thread tags.


Includes tags by: