Contact Manager + SMS is a command line application that send messages using twilio api and is written using the Python Language
- Add contact directly from the terminal to the contact manager list
- Search for a contact using name from the terminal
- Send a text to a twilio verified phone number.
[Python 2.7] ( : Python Interpreter
[docopt==0.6.2] ( : docopt makes command-line interfaces
[SQLAlchemy==1.1.6] ( The Python SQL Toolkit and Object Relational Mapper
[twilio==5.7.0] ( : Twilio API client and TwiML generator
[Colorama==0.3.7 ] ( : Colour and font enhancing for python applications.
pip install colorama
[pyfiglet==0.7.5] ( Takes ASCII text and renders it in ASCII art fonts.
pip install
[termcolor==1.1.0] ( ANSII Color formatting for output in terminal.
pip install termcolor
To install all the requirements, download the requirements.txt file then type the following command on your terminal.
pip install -r /path/to/requirements.txt
Command | Description |
help | Displays all available commands and their descriptions |
help (command) | Describes the command |
Add -n -p | Adds name and phone number to the contact list |
Search (name) | Searches the contact name |
Text (name) -m | Sends text message number in the contact manager |
Find the author at [@Awinja] ( on github.