Hey there, welcome to my Code Review Platform Prototype!

Alright, let's cut to the chase. What is this thing?

This is a super cool prototype of a web app that helps you review your C code. Yes, you heard it right, it's like your buddy who checks your code.

And who's the buddy? It's none other than the highly advanced AI - OpenAI's GPT-4 model. So no more begging for code reviews, GPT-4 got your back!

What's in the box?

  • A slick web interface where you can paste your C code.
  • Our app then compiles and runs the code to make sure it's correct.
  • And it also shows you how your output stacks up against the expected output.
  • Last but not least, GPT-4 steps in to give you some feedback on how to improve your code.

Getting started

What you need

  • Python 3.8 or higher (because we're cool like that)
  • Flask (our secret sauce)
  • OpenAI Python client library (where the magic happens)

Let's set it up!

  1. Clone this thing:
    git clone https://github.com/Awis13/AI-Code-reviewer
  2. Jump right in:
    cd code-review-platform
  3. Get the necessary stuff (Python packages):
    pip install -r requirements.txt
  4. And don't forget to set your OpenAI API Key in app.py:
    openai.api_key = "<Your OpenAI API Key>"

Let's roll!

Fire it up with:

python app.py

Then, take a stroll to localhost:5000 in your browser. Paste your C code into the form and hit the submit button. Sit back and watch GPT-4 do its thing!

Yeah, but...

Okay, we hear you! Right now this only works with C code, and it's all set around one problem (you have to print the alphabet in lowercase on a single line).

And yes, GPT-4 is not perfect, it's doing its best but it might not always get the feedback spot on. Also, we don't have any user management or a way to store your past code reviews (yet!).

The Road Ahead

  • Covering more programming languages.
  • Setting up a way to store all the past code and reviews.
  • Getting a user management system.
  • Including more fun coding challenges.