
A simple implementation of an image gallery app in android


#This application is to disply all photo from the device on it run's
##MainActivity displays all folders with images and the number of images it contains
##Displays all images in A given folder, in this case "FastSave"
Each android device has A gallery app that contains all the images and videos of the device, in this post I will demonstrate how you can create your own simple image gallery application
1,Awoke Ayele ------------------------ 1126
2,Assen hussen ------------------------ 1123
3,Eyeruss Demisse------------------------ 1188
4,Mahilet Manaye ------------------------ 1244
5,Erkihun Gedefaw------------------------ 1182

MainActivity displays all folders with images and the number of images it contains

Displays all images in a given folder, in this case "FastSave"

Image slider/navigator