Python code (Plugin) to use pirate audio dac with volumio (including display and the 4 buttons) and a raspberry pi.
- 0
pirate audio display not displaying
#18 opened by hec59 - 0
- 1
Static Display
#16 opened by mjbourgault - 2
Button Debounce
#15 opened by DrewBatchelor - 1
- 1
- 1
- 2
crash on failed socketIO.wait
#11 opened by elosoman - 2
- 1
- 0
brightness control
#8 opened by mikekacz - 1
replaceAndPlay plays only 1 song
#7 opened by mikekacz - 1
Clock display
#6 opened by RainyMaan - 1
Screen timeout possible?
#5 opened by Papadoma - 1
- 3
#2 opened by sideshowbob84 - 3
Button Problem
#4 opened by qbrickx - 3
Bootscreen then nothing more
#1 opened by hme0354