
tests/ test too stringent?

Closed this issue · 5 comments

Master failed on for test_conditional_entropy(data, size_template_and_ind_max_template) with:

data = array([-3.8847911, -0.5546908, -0.5546908, -8.079916 ,  7.364694 ,
        7.378992 , -0.5546908, -0.5546908, -0.5546908], dtype=float32)
size_template_and_ind_max_template = [1, 0]

Perhaps rtol is too small?

Hmm sure, if this starts to become an issue we can loosen the tolerance a bit. I have a different question though Since currently our tests are passing, I was always in the belief hypothesis would retry a certain test if it failed in the past. Is this only true for tests run locally?

Are you fine with observing the situation a bit before loosing the test? If so feel free to close.

Yeah, that's only locally. We install it every time, so there is no database or so that keeps track of fails.

@WenzDaniel would you mind having a look, it seems that it's still an issue

Sure let me loosen the test requirement a bit.