Nooted is a simple web application that allows users to write notes and keep track of them, with an interface designed for simplicity.
If you follow the link, keep in mind that it might take some time for the website to load for the first time.
The below requirements need to be installed on the system to run the project.
- Running Postgrasql instance
- Python 3 (
This project is built using Python, and utilizes the Flask framework. You can use SQLAlchemy while running the project in development mode, but a Postgrasql database is needed for production.
Install all system requirements (see above)
Set up a python virtual environment
$ python3 -m venv venv
Activate the virtual environment
- macOS/Linux: $ source venv/bin/Activate
- Windows: $ venv\Scripts\activate.bat
Install the python requirements
$ python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt
Dublicate the .env.example file, and name the dublicate file .env
- You need to populate the .env file now
- SECRET_KEY=' random string '
- DATABASE_URL=' Your actual database url (for production) '
Run the project using
$ flask run
When you stop working on the project you need to deactivate the virtual environment
$ deactivate