Thallium Nuker

Thallium, fastest nuker on discord written in py.


For compiled version:

  • Download latest version from Rexa Hq
  • Extract all the content
  • Run thallium.exe


  • Proxy supported HTTP/s [ip:port][user:pass@ip:port] formats
  • Nuke command (all together)
  • Change Guild Name
  • Change Guild Icon
  • Change Vanity
  • Nickname All
  • Ban all members
  • Kick all members
  • Prune members
  • Create Channels
  • Create Roles
  • Create Emojis
  • Create Stickers
  • Delete Channels
  • Delete Roles
  • Delete Emojis
  • Delete Stickers
  • Spam Channels
  • Pick a random channel/role name and message from config.json file
