
Clicker for BeerTap

Primary LanguagePython


clicker for https://t.me/BeerCoinTap_Bot

More crypto themes and softs in telegram: ApeCryptor 🦧 Additional soft information: https://t.me/ApeCryptorSoft/96


Functional Supported
Multithreading ✅
Binding a proxy to a session ✅
Auto-pou ✅
Random sleep time between accounts; pours ✅
Support pyrogram .session ✅
Get statistics for all accounts ✅

Settings data/config.py

Setting Description
API_ID / API_HASH Platform data from which to launch a Telegram session
DELAYS-ACCOUNT Delay between connections to accounts (the more accounts, the longer the delay)
DELAYS-POUR Delay between pour beers
PINTS pints for requests
PROXY_TYPES-TG Proxy type for telegram session
PROXY_TYPES-REQUESTS Proxy type for requests
WORKDIR directory with session
TIMEOUT timeout in seconds for checking accounts on valid


  • Python 3.9 (you can install it here)
  • Telegram API_ID and API_HASH (you can get them here)
  1. Install the required dependencies:
    pip install -r requirements.txt


  1. Run the bot:
    python main.py