
Learn and Fun with Type Script Features.

Primary LanguageTypeScript


This is a simple project for learning the typescript features using javascript and do fun things using code. You can add code with typescript features and let's share your knowledge with others.

Since this is the learning project, Code Comments are mandatory.


  1. Install Node js - https://nodejs.org/en/download/
  2. Fork & Checkout the repo from GitHub.
  3. In the terminal, execute npm install


  1. Fork and Checkout the project.
  2. Create new task in issues section of original repo.
  3. Create separate branch for the issue or task.
  4. Create separate folder ex: example in the project.
  5. adding your typescript source inside folder in step 1 (hello-world.ts).
  6. run compile command -> npm run compile <path/file.ts>
  7. run output command -> npm run output <path/file.js>
  8. After verifying output, you can raise the PR to original repo main branch.

Execution example

npm run compile example/hello-world.ts
npm run output example/hello-world.js