
Tracing read/seek

Primary LanguageC++

ROOT RNTuple Virtual Probe Station

This folder contains HEP sample anayses in order to measure and compare the behavior of TTree and RNTuple. Every analysis processes a single file with event data -- either in TTree format or in RNTuple raw format -- and fills control histograms. Every sample analysis is implemented in a single binary that contains the analysis code in three flavors:

  • Direct access with TTree, using GetBranchAddress() style code
  • Direct access with RNTuple, using type-safe Views (similar to TTreeReader)
  • RDataFrame style

There are corresponding data generation binaries (gen_...) to produce the input files from publicly available master sources.


The samples are h1, lhcb, cms (TODO: describe).


Use the Makefile to build the binaries and produce benchmark results and plots. The Makefile requires the following ROOT in your enfironment:


It should be build using

cmake -Droot7=on -Dcxx14=on -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=relwithdebinfo

Running the Benchmarks

The input data can be generated or downloaded from


Each benchmark takes the same input parameters:

- `-i` input file, ending either in `.root` (tree) or `.ntuple` (ntuple raw)
- `-s` optionally show the control plot
- `-p` optionally show the tree/ntuple performance statistics
- `-r` optionally, run the benchmark with RDataFrame instead of direct access
- `-R` use RDF with implicit multi-threading

The real-time timing uses std::chrono::steady_clock and starts with the second event (direct access) or with an artificial first filter (RDF).s