
Filesystem checker for a FAT-12 filesystem

Primary LanguageC

FAT12 Scandisk

This is a very simple scandisk for a FAT12 filesystem that performs several checks to see if the filesystem is consistent:

  • Checks for unreferenced clusters. If there are any, it prints all of them out.
  • Checks for any files that are unreferenced in the directory tree and prints them out in the following format Lost File: <start_cluster> <size_in_clusters>.
  • Adds all of the lost files to the root directory.
  • Checks if the file length in the FAT is consistent with the directory entries. Otherwise prints out the files in the format <filename> <length_dir> <length_fat>.
  • Frees any clusters that are beyond the end of a file.


First run make and then run ./dos_scandisk <imagename>. There are 3 images provided in the images directory. For floppy.img, the program does not output anything because the filesystem is already consistent.

File Structure

├── dos_scandisk.c            # The file that checks the file structure and produces the output to stdout
├── badfloppy2-output.txt     # Output of badfloppy2.img in a txt format
├── badfloppy2-output.png     # Screenshot of output of badfloppy2.img
├── description.pdf           # One page description of how dos_scandisk.c workss
└── README.md