2017-06-11 Project discontinued due to machine aviability Feel free to fork and edit
Since I didn't figure out how to make Neje Software work on wine.
commands.txt is kind of a retro-engineering log. It seems to just save a bitmap somewhere and then prints it.
Linux script for Neje Laser engraver
Image must be 520x520 BMP 1 bit color depth (See mono.bmp)
Python 3 based Neje Printer script.
If the printer is running just pause before running the script.
- Image Conversion (Not square images will be stretched)
- Image Load
- Burning Time Setup (With working printer if software already loaded)
- Preview and print (If you really cannot press the button)
- Go home, Reset, Pause
Does not:
- Converted image Preview
- Printed trace view
- Manual Control
- Python3
- Pyserial
- Python EasyGUI
More detailed instructions: http://axengineering.wordpress.com/2016/06/14/neje-laser-engraver-on-linux/