
Kraken is a Laravel API Boilerplate with Role Based Access Control & Passport

Primary LanguagePHP

KRAKEN - Laravel API Boilerplate with RBAC

Kraken is a API boilerplate created to take out the pain of developing a project from scratch. It includes the bare minimum you need to get started. I believe the less dependencies you have to manage, the less of a headache you will get to maintain the code long term.

What's Baked In?

  • Standardized API Response in JSON using Traits
  • OAuth2 implementation with Laravel Passport
  • Global Error Handling with Verbose messages.
  • Role Based Access Control ( RBAC ) without any package.
    • Permissions can be grouped with Role.
    • User can have Permissions without Role.
    • User can have Permissions through Role.

Getting Started:

  1. PHP >= 8.0.2 & Composer >=2 installed in your environment.
     composer install
  2. Copy .env.example to .env and set your DB variables, then migrate.
     php artisan key:generate
     php artisan migrate --seed
  3. Seeder will create following admin credentials with Role & Permission CRUD
  4. Configure Passport. Use the keys given in terminal after command to set .env values
    php artisan passport:install
  5. Serve your application
    php artisan serve

API Documentation:

Auth Routes:

  POST       api/auth/login ............................. Auth\AuthController@login  
  POST       api/auth/logout ............................ Auth\AuthController@logout  
  GET|HEAD   api/auth/me ................................ Auth\AuthController@user  
  POST       api/auth/register .......................... Auth\AuthController@register

Permission CRUD Routes:

  GET|HEAD   api/admin/permission ....................... Admin\PermissionController@index  
  POST       api/admin/permission ....................... Admin\PermissionController@store   
  GET|HEAD   api/admin/permission/{slug} ................ Admin\PermissionController@show  
  PATCH      api/admin/permission/{slug} ................ Admin\PermissionController@update  
  DELETE     api/admin/permission/{slug} ................ Admin\PermissionController@destroy 

Role CRUD Routes:

  GET|HEAD   api/admin/role ............................. Admin\RoleController@index  
  POST       api/admin/role ............................. Admin\RoleController@store   
  GET|HEAD   api/admin/role/{slug} ...................... Admin\RoleController@show  
  PATCH      api/admin/role/{slug} ...................... Admin\RoleController@update  
  DELETE     api/admin/role/{slug} ...................... Admin\RoleController@destroy 

Role Based Access Control Routes:

These are all single action controllers with functions invoked on switch case.

  • UserRoleController : Manages User Roles.
  • RolePermissionController : Manages Permission of Roles, i.e: group permissions into roles
  • UserPermissionController : Assign individual permissions to User without Role
  POST       api/admin/access-control/role-permissions ........... RBAC\RolePermissionController  
  POST       api/admin/access-control/user-permissions ........... RBAC\UserPermissionController  
  POST       api/admin/access-control/user-role .................. RBAC\UserRoleController