⚠️ This is a hackey bash script. I am working on moving a lot of this functionality upstream here.


This is a hackey (yet simple) way to import gphotos into immich.

Install Instructions


  • docker & compose plugin
  • git
  • unzip


  1. Download takeout files and put them in a directory
  2. Get API key as described here
  3. Download the script and run it:
wget -Nnv https://raw.githubusercontent.com/lukehmcc/simple-gphotos-immich-migration/master/process_and_upload.sh && bash process_and_upload.sh; rm -f process_and_upload.sh
  1. Respond to the prompts and you're on your merry way!

Ideally you should do this through an app like tmux as this can take a long time and a disconnected session will mean you have to restart. Instructions for how to use tmux here.