
Simple program that takes input txt files and solves the sudoku described inside them.

Primary LanguageC++

Sudoku Solver


This program solves any sudoku given by the user.

Sudoku assignments can be provided by valid .txt files, syntax will be explained in the usage guide.

Installation + Setup + Run Guide

Step 1: Download or clone the repository.

Step 2: Run the "run.sh" file

Step 3: There should now be a folder named "build", this folder will contain another folder: "assignments", this is where .txt files should be added.

Step 4: Open a terminal in the "build" folder, and execute: ./SudokuSolver

Usage Guide

The program will look in the "assignments" folder for valid txt files containing sudoku information.

It will print out a list of found valid files, requesting the user to choose one of them.

If the user gives in a valid filename, the file will be read and the sudoku will be solved and printed to console.

A valid file is a simple txt file with 9 lines. Each line should contain 9 characters, either a digit from 1-9, or an 'X' to indicate an empty spot. Here's an example of a valid file:

6 3 X X X X 5 X 8
X 5 9 X 6 7 X X 4
X X X 4 X 8 6 X X
X X X 7 2 X 3 6 X
2 X 5 9 X 4 X X X
3 X 7 X X 1 X 4 5
X 7 3 5 1 X 9 X 2
X 8 X X X X X 5 X
5 X X X 7 9 X 3 1

For convenience, empty lines and spaces are ignored. In addition, 'X' is not case-sensitive.

However, the program will also check if the input sudoku is valid. Should the file contain a row/column/box with duplicates, it'll still be deemed invalid. Make sure to check on this beforehand.