
Integration of Facebook's DensePose algorithm with person tracking and clothing recognition

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


WIP: Integration of Facebook's DensePose algorithm with person tracking and clothing recognition

This project includes:

  • A DensePose (detectron2) wrapper, which does some post processing to merge all output layers into one.
  • A sanitizer which merges and masks DensePose output to more accurately detect individual people.
  • A Kalman Filter tracker to correlate detected individuals across multiple frames.
  • An UV-mapper which projects each person Segmentation onto a standardized flat image.
  • WIP: a descriptionExtractor which identifies the kind of clothing and what color that people are wearing.
  • WIP: a pose detector which classifies what each person is doing.

Included are a web cam example which all above features utilized, and a training script for regenerating the models which can be trained. There are however trained models included under ./models.

image of person with DenseSense debug output

To install:

Install PyTorch

Install detectron2

Install DenseSense by running the following in the DenseSense repo:

pip install .

Get the DensePose model configuration file and put in under ./models. Be sure to also get the BaseConfig: https://github.com/facebookresearch/detectron2/tree/master/projects/DensePose/configs

Also get DensePose model and put it under ./models: https://github.com/facebookresearch/detectron2/blob/master/projects/DensePose/doc/MODEL_ZOO.md

Currently DenseSense is configured for densepose_rcnn_R_50_FPN_s1x.yaml and R_50_FPN_s1x.pkl, but this can be changed by modifying the paths in the beginning of ./DenseSense/algorithms/DensePoseWrapper.py. Adding a configuration file for DenseSense is TODO.

Getting the datasets for training

Sanitizer: COCO (script included for downloading just the training instances with people in)

DescriptionExtractor: DeepFashion2

Download the instances val/train 2014/2017 annotation file, place it in the annotations folder, and run downloadCocoPeople.py from inside the data folder. This will download all the images and place them in data.

Download (you have to fill out a form) and place data under ./data/DeepFashion2/{val, train}. Place the annotation fileS inside ./annotations/deepfashion2_annotations_{val, train}. Afterwards run deepfashion2_to_coco.py from inside ./annotations.

Example debug output