
Just for my learning how to create QR code.

Primary LanguagePython

QR Code Generator

Just for my learning how to create QR code.

Try to write the code as simple as possible to easy to understand.


Python 3 (Developed in Python 3.5.3)

Plugin URL
Pillow (Python Imaging Library) https://pypi.python.org/pypi/Pillow/
enum34 https://pypi.python.org/pypi/enum34
Installation of enum34
pip install enum34

*Run in command-line, NOT python interpreter.

QR Code Tutorial Documents & References

Python References


Most of look up table are copied from Thonky tables. Then, edit in Notepad++ and copy to python file.

Each step of debugging, generated QR codes from this project are compare with Thonky & RACO Industries.


By the way, feel free to study & use.

Or maybe this one should be okay? >> MPL v2.0