This project is open to contributions during Hacktoberfest. For more information read here
To build Microsoft Teams Clone
- ReactJS [Front-end]
- NodeJS [server setup]
- Firebase [Authorization and realtime database]
- and peerjs [webRTC libraries]
- Visual Studio Code [Editor]
- Github [Version control]
npm run launch
- This is a PWA and can be installed on system.
- Meeting requires stable internet connection from both sides.
- This version is made for Laptop/PCs [Big screens]
If you don't have git on your machine, install it.
Fork this repository by clicking on the fork button on the top of this page. This will create a copy of this repository in your account.
Now clone the forked repository to your machine. Go to your GitHub account, open the forked repository, click on the code button and then click the copy to clipboard icon.
Open a terminal and run the following git command:
git clone "url you just copied"
where "url you just copied" (without the quotation marks) is the url to this repository (your fork of this project). See the previous steps to obtain the url.
For example:
git clone
Change to the repository directory on your computer (if you are not already there):
cd directory-name
Now create a branch using the git checkout
git checkout -b your-new-branch-name
For example:
git checkout -b update
Please Note : Name your branch in accordance with you work.
If you go to the project directory and execute the command git status
, you'll see there are changes.
Add those changes to the branch you just created using the command:
git add .
Now commit those changes using the git commit
git commit -m "Add your committing message here"
Push your changes using the command git push
git push origin <add-your-branch-name>
replacing <add-your-branch-name>
with the name of the branch you created earlier.
If you go to your repository on GitHub, you'll see a Compare & pull request
button. Click on that button.
Now submit the pull request.