
A dictionary implementation built upon a compressed trie as its foundation.

Primary LanguageJava

Compressed Trie Dictionary

This is a Java implementation of a dictionary based on a compressed trie (radix tree) structure designed for the English language (a-z).


-i word: Inserts word into Trie.

-r word: Deletes word from the Trie.

-f word: Searches the word in the Trie.

-p: Prints the pre-order traversal of Trie.

-d: Prints all the words stored in the dictionary in alphabetical order.

-w word X: Searches the Trie for all words of the same length as word that are exactly X characters away from the given word. For example, the words boy and toy are one character apart. The words small and smell are one character apart. The words small and smile are two characters apart. The words newspaper and newsgroup are five characters apart.

-s suffix: Searches the Trie for words containing the given suffix.

-q: Terminates the program.

Compilation and Execution.

Compile the files using the command:

javac Dictionary/Dictionary.java

Execute the program using the command:

java Dictionary/Dictionary