Convert onnx models exported from pytorch to tensorflow keras models with focus on performace and highleve compatibility.
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transpose layer not supported ?
#47 opened by Dumbledore38 - 0
Accuracy issue with MaxPool padding
#31 opened by xsacha - 10
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ValueError: Output tensors to a Model must be the output of a TensorFlow `Layer`
#7 opened by zhang-f - 1
Getting "NotImplementedError" when trying to convert YOLOv5s ONNX model to Keras model.
#39 opened by MeenalNarkhede - 0
Keras model fails to load after conversion
#26 opened by xsacha - 2
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Not implementederror
#19 opened by ankitchandracs - 1
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conv_padding test fails
#20 opened by xsacha - 10
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Support for op_softmax
#4 opened by aitikgupta - 2