
Template to create a fancy portfolio like mine 😎✨

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Template to create a fancy portfolio like mine 😎✨

Recording 2024-01-22 162408

My Portfolio: https://axn.vercel.app

How to use 🤔 ??

  • Fork this template
  • Download it locally
  • Hit pnpm i or npm i
  • Edit the PortfolioConfig Object according to you in the config.js file.
  • Edit the title, icon (optionally) & description of the site in the index.html
  • Run it pnpm run dev
  • Deploy on Vercel or wherever you want : )

Humanity 🫂🤗

  • Star this template ⭐
  • Fork this template 🍴
  • Any ideas to make it better send a PR ✊
  • Create issues if found 🙃