Honeypot Tinkering

MHN-Admin Deployment

I used Google Cloud in order to deploy all my virtual machines for this assignment. It's ease of use was great and interaction with the CLI helped me get a better undertanding of the Google Cloud deployment landscape.

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Dionaea Honeypot Deployment


Summary: In simple terms, Dionaea is a tool that traps malware exploiting vulnerabilities and exposed services going towards a network. Security professionals use a tool such as this in order to gain a copy of the malware and perhaps do sandbox analysis of said malware, but in our case we used it to catch IP scans from the open web.

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Database Backup

Summary: I believe MHN-Admin uses MongoDB to store data. The information stored within the JSON file is data on attacks to our deployed page, with IP information, source and destination ports, timestamps, protocols and what looks to be potential methods that attackers/scanners have used as I see names such as Black Hole and pcap that I'm not too familiar with.

JSON file uploaded to GitHub.